Monday, January 26, 2009

Tyranny, Injustice and Self-Determination.

Tyranny is when you abuse your power/authority.
Injustice is the unfair treatment of others.
Self determination is to do what you want without anyone else telling you what to do.

Farmer Jones was tyrannous and abused his power over the animals. He gave them very little food, worked them too hard, and showed injustice to the animals by mistreating them. The animals showed self-determination to overthrow Farmer Jones because they wanted to overthrow for their own reasons and not anyone else's.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

World War One Poem

We left our families, sad and crying.
We marched until they were out of sight.
We marched to serve our country,
And weren’t going down without a fight.

We made our homes, in the deep dark trenches,
The walls were slick with blood.
With enemy shells bombarding us,
And the constant fear of mud.

When it was our turn, to go over the top
When zero hour came,
Many died in no man’s land.
This war was not a game.

And as we charged the enemy lines,
Their gunners maintained their fire.
Our brave, brave men were dropping like flies.
Our situation was dire.

And yet somehow I crossed the stretch.
And so did many others too.
We had avoided bullets, bombs and gas,
We finally came through.


Sunday, January 18, 2009

Joining the Army

As an American, I will never have compulsary military service. However, there draft might still aply in times of war. However, if I am not forced to join the military, I would probably join the military some where not on the front lines is if it's the end of the line for America. At that point however, the draft would probably take me any way. If I as forced to join the army, I would probably be part of a technology department and not a position that would require me to carry a gun more than half my weight. I just do not have the body required to be crawling on the ground holding a gun bigger than me. I wouldn't survive training either. I just don't think I'm mean enough to kill someone with a gun. Maybe hireing the troops needed to kill someone, but probably not killing them myself. I also value my life too much. If the US had manditory military service, I would join because I had to, not because I wanted to.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

WWI Cartoon

This political cartoon shows how crazy and chaotic WWI was and how many factions were making deals behind their friend's backs. I think that the cartoon would have made more sense if the words and labels were clearer. It is about how many alliances were in the war. I think that the author's opinion was that wit so many friends and so many allies, somehow every one should be both friends and enemies and therefore be a lot of chaos. People have more than to arms so that tey can offer alliances with more people. The artist could have labled more to give the reader a better idea about what is going on. This relates to the great powers game because of how many alliances were made and how often you enemies became your friends and how your friends usually became you enemies.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Great Powers Game Debrief

In the great powers game, my country was the United States of America. While building my democratic empire, I felt very powerful because I started off fairly powerful. That feeling kind of went away when I was stabbed in the back. It came back after the great war because I was one of the only survivors. The countries with an advantage at the start of the game were the U.S.A., the U.K., and Russia. The U.S. and U.K. started with 4 buying power and a decent military and Russia started with a good amount of buying power and a very good military. I think I was one of the more powerful countries at the beginning but halfway through until the end of the game I was very weak. In the long run, armies were the most important because if you had the strongest army, you could acquire alot of buying from other countries through war. I think I did best at getting richer quicker. I did this by joining battles that I had nothing to do with in order to get a share of the loot. Next time, I would NOT betray a powerful country and then join a back stabber nd get betrayed. Because you can beak treaties whenever you want, and because nobody liked me, my alliances were not very good. Three things I learned about conflict is that it is not very fun to loose a war, do not trust anyone because anyone can betray you, and that wars usually are not a good way to make allies.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Goals- 3rd edition

I think that this quarter,I met my goals fairly well. My three goals were to study for tests, spend more time on my homework, and finally to prepare more for socratic seminars. I met my goal to study more for tests because I remembered to study my notes for about ten minutes a day. I think that I definitely achieved my goal of preparing more for oral assignments such as the oration and the mock trial because I had spent a lot of time preparing for them. The oration I spent over an hour preparing for which was more than my goal. Finally, my goal to spend more time on my homework was acomplished fairly well because I spent a very long time preparing the powerpoint and the Africa Research Project. Part of this goal was to not make careless mistakes and in the ARP, most mistakes were not careless.

First goal: I am going to try to organize my papers for a few minutes after class instead of putting them into a pile.
Second goal: I am going to prepare for at least 20 minutes preparing for socratic seminars because I think that more preparations could help back up my ideas. I think that because there were no socratic seminars this quarter, I could work on it a bit more.
Third goal: I am going to try to finish my AR before February so that I will have more time on UbD.