Sunday, May 17, 2009

What is Power?

Power has a variety of different aspects. This is because power can be shown in so many ways. All of these aspects play a significant role in determining how powerful someone or something is. Throughout time, many people and ideas have shown power in three main ways: control, influence, and fear.

The first aspect of globalization is fear. One way Stalin stayed in power as long as he did was because of how afraid people were of him. Many dictators stay in power because of how feared they are. In Africa during the times imperialism, the Europeans remained in power because of their physical strength (better guns and weapons) as well as the fear they maintained the the people that lived there. Even in the industrial revolution, Carnegie had power because too many people were afraid of him being such a tough competitor. As you can see, fear is a major part of what power means.

Another important aspect of power is influence. The British during the times of imperialism were very powerful because of how influential they were around the world. The United States is powerful because of how influential they are around the world too. They have a lot of financial power because of how important the dollar is in the stock market. During the cold war, the USSR and the USA had influence around the world. The USSR had influence on the communist countries while the United States had influence on the capitalist countries, particularly those in Western Europe. The final example, again, is how globalization influences how we live our lives. Its influence adds to how it controls our lives.

The final aspect of power is control. Many powerful people have shown this trait. In Africa, the Europeans had much control over the people there through imperialism. They showed this by forcing the local people into slavery and by forcing those people to provide them with resources. Another example from this year was Andrew Carnegie. He had power because of how much control he had over the steel industry in the United States. A third example of control that we learned about this year was Stalin. Along with other aspects of power, Stalin had an enormous amount of control over the Russian people through other aspects of power such as fear and influence. The final example of control that we have learned about this year is globalization. Globalization has an enormous amount of control over how we live our lives nowadays. Through globalization, we can now eat foods from around the world in just one place. The internet in particular has managed to control how we get information and how we communicate. As you can see, control has been a major aspect of power for hundreds of years.

Power has many meanings. Power can also be shown in a lot of ways. The three main aspects are control, influence, and fear. These are the aspects of power that have been shown for hundreds of years. Because of the number of ways it can be shown, there is no one meaning of power. However, it is these three things that really make up what power is.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Three most important things I learned in PoP

1) Time management. With a lot of parts of PoP going on at the same time, it was very important to manage my time well so that I didn't end up with only one thing done, the day before the other two are due. Time management was very important with the EO because we had no time to work on it in class and if we didn't start early on, we'd get flooded by the RP and DA and wouldn't have time for the EO. This will help me in high school and in college when I will have muliple projects and assignments going on at one time and I will have to use my time wisely in order to get them all done ontime.
2)Better organization. A few times during PoP, I nearly had a heart attack because I had lost important papers or even myUSB stick. I learned how important it is to organize my stuff so that I know where it is. Not having important papers or my USB stick was a big problem while doing my DA and RP. This will be very important later in life so that I don't speand hours wasting time trying to find stuff that should be kept in one place.
3) How to write a research paer. Even with the Africa RP, at the beginning of PoP, writing a research paer was still not something I had totally down. However, the extra in-class practice we had for our RP made writing it much easier. Knowing how to write a research paper will be very important in college because most of what we do will be tests, studying, and writing research papers.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Net effect of Globalization

There are many good things about globalizatio. For one thing, it has made communication and information more accesable than most people could have ever imagined. It has accelerated tech well. What globalization has done is that it has brought the world together. This helps everyone by making everything available to everyone. Thie internet, which has contributed to globalization, made information much more accesable. As it said in The world is flat, out sourcing and off shoring have made good jobs available for everyone, not just westerners. It has also brought cultures together and allows anyone to experiance a different culture. Before globalization, people had a hard time with people who are different. Now, everyone can work with eachother.
However, globalization has also brought problems. Many people are loosing there culture because all of the cultures are now so intertwined, that the result is a monoculture. Westerners are loosing there jobs to people across the world who will do the same job for a fraction of the western pay. Also, the poor people are still living in the dark ages and are getting even farther behind because globalization has just skippeed them and refuses to wait. However, I think that over all, globalization has been good. It has brought people together, made information more accesable, and has accelarated technology.

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