Sunday, February 22, 2009

How to Make a War, WWII Style

1 Meaningless document known as the treaty of Versailles
1 Incredibly ineffective League of Nations
1-Cup German Appeasement
5 Tbs of Fascism
6 ounces of chunky German aggression
Japanese Aggression to taste

Combine the Treaty of Versailles and the failed League of Nations and whip vigorously until well combined. This should leave you with Britain and France feeling quite guilty.

Next add the German appeasement. Keep on adding extra German appeasement until you have dough that is sticky, but not gooey. Be careful not to add too much as this process is hard to reverse.

Knead in fascism until you have a firm, yet workable piece of dough. The fascism and the appeasement should react when baked.

Fold in the chunks of German aggression. This will add texture and flavor to the war. Make sure you get a good brand, as this will be your war’s highlight.

Rub with Japanese aggression and bake until it is blood red.

Serve with death and destruction.

Serves 58 countries.

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