Sunday, March 8, 2009


Holy wars is an oxymoron because wars, by definition, are unholy. All major religions condemn killing but wars involve killing. Because wars involve killing, and killing is "unholy", wars would also be unholy. So for there to be a holy war kinda contradicts itself making it an oxymoron. So many wars now are fought over religion because all of the religions feel that theirs is best or the real one, or the "correct" one and that they should fight over which one is the best. However, in order to accomplish this, they are breaking the rules of their own religion. The excuse then is that once we fight and our religion wins, then there will be no need to fight and no need to break the rules. However if all religions feel this way, then the wars are never going to end because everyone must keep trying to prove that their religion is the best. This will then keep going around in an endless loop.

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